David City, Nebr., | AUG 2023 — Applied Connective’s Ed Knott (company president) and Matt Childress (relationship manager) were invited to present on cyber security to members of the David City Chamber of Commerce in partnership with the Butler County Sheriff’s Office on August 30th. Butler County Office Manager Alexis Buresh was the event coordinator and has been leading the charge in encouraging local businesses and organizations to strengthen their cyber security posture.
“The vast majority—roughly 90%—of cyber security incidents that occur today are attributed to some sort of user error or negligence,” said Childress. “So simply familiarizing yourself and your team with the threats that exist today so you recognize them when they strike is critical. We offer cyber security awareness training to our customers, and it’s proven to be very effective in improving their awareness and preparedness.”
“In a day and age where we are increasingly dependent on our devices, both personally and professionally, and cyber threats only rise in volume and sophistication, it’s so good to see places like Butler County leading by example and prioritizing cyber security education.”